Thursday, June 16, 2011

Movie Recommendation of the Week : New Waterford Girl

On the left: Moonie played by Liane Balaban
On the right: Lou played by Tara Spencer-Nairn
I've decided to recommend a movie to you, and in my humblest opinion, it is one of the best things that Canada has to offer, besides free healthcare, and Avril Lavigne. It is called The New Waterford Girl. First off, I am jealous of the lead actress, Liane Balaban, because she got to touch Andrew McCartney's face. He is gorgeous. In any case, the movie is about a girl that is stuck, and she is really intelligent, so she has a chance to get out, but she's not "normal", so her parents won't let her go. Andrew McCartney plays Cecil Sweeney, her English teacher, or something like that. It is never clarified and she feels sorry for him, so she brings him stuff. She doesn't feel like she belongs in her family because she is so different from them all.
It is a great coming of age story if you are into introspection and all of that. Honestly, it is quite funny, and it seems like every country is capable of making a dramatic comedy but us. I have watched it several times and it never gets old and that is the appeal to it, because it never gets old. You can see yourself in her because she has to realize that in order to get her way, she has to submit but she has to do it in her own way. There is a growth in her that is so subtle that you don't see it until you don't expect it. The dialogue is witty and real, which is lacking in a lot of movies nowadays.
It took me a little while to realize that it was a period piece; there is no reference to the date or year, but you can tell that it is a 70's era film, if anything, by Andrew McCartney's kick-ass sideburns. If you feel like a good laugh, check it out. 

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