Monday, June 20, 2011

Jake And Amir

Is it just me or has the overall quality of that web show gone down considerably? The whole premise that made it popular in the first place was that Jake was the logical one and Amir was the dumb ass; in the latest episodes, they are taking turns being the dumb ass and sometimes doing it at the same time. This is not the Jake and Amir that I used to love so dearly. I'm not saying that the show is awful now, but it doesn't do what it used to, which was cheer me up, no matter what had me down.  

Lately it seems like only a few are watch worthy, and they are the ones that are reminiscent of the past episodes, where Jake is the logical one and Amir is the dumb ass,  and that is sad. What happened to the quality and the standard that they used to hold so high? I think that they need to reassess where they want this show to go, because I don't see them winning any awards for some of the stuff that they have been putting out lately. It's sad, but true. If you want examples, watch the past six. I didn't laugh out loud once and that was what I used to do constantly and now don't. 

I understand what they were trying to do; maybe show that Amir has been rubbing off on Jake, but the way that they are executing it; just isn't working. They have a fan base, who keeps watching out of loyalty, but one day that will drift away, as the jokes get stupider and stupider. 

Guys, you can do better; I know it. 

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