Friday, May 20, 2011

8 Things that Make Me Smile Without Fail

8. The Lonely Island

First introduced to the world in by Adam Sandberg on Saturday Night Live, this music group is fun and completely inappropriate, which I love. Anything that they do makes me smile.

7. A good revenge scheme

Contrary to my previous post, I'm not very much about taking actual revenge but a good revenge plot makes me smile. Think mean girls and you will understand.

6. SNL's Weekend Update

Sometimes it's the only thing I watch out an entire episode. Seth Meyers is the perfect antidote for a crappy day. I hear his spin on the news and I am guaranteed a laugh or a smile to brighten up my day.

5. The Mythbusters Blowing Things Up

I am an avid watcher of the Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel. My favorite episodes are when they blow things up at the bomb range. It's fun to watch things blow up. 

4. The sound of a German accent

It reminds me of an amazing German friend that I have the honor of hanging out with any Tuesday I am able. His very presence puts a smile on my face because whatever is wrong, if I am with him all of that fades away. I leave my troubles at his doorstep and have fun.

3. When my dog sneezes

It's gross because she sneezes on me but after I get over the initial shock of being covered in dog snot, I can't help but giggle at the fact that she actually makes herself sneeze. When I play with her, her hair takes flight, gets in her nose and then she sneezes. The face she makes, eyes wide and teeth bared, looks so bizarre that after that I can't help but laugh.

2. Crappy Romantic Comedies

I know the plot and we all do and even though we know that, we watch them anyway. They are stupid and once in a while there is a line that doesn't suck and hasn't been said before, but they are usually quite bad. I enjoy them anyway and they help me to laugh and rejoice in the ridiculous things that life holds or that Hollywood thinks is real.

1. Gaga

Revolutionary, Awesome, and even if I'm down, her songs make me happy. Her style is phenomenal, bizarre, and ridiculous, but her message of equality and peace and love makes me smile more than anything.

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