Friday, May 27, 2011

Marc WIth A C : New Album Out Now!!

So, Marc with a C has come out with another great album, Motherf**kers be Bulls**tin'. I have been a big fan for going on two years and there is nothing better than to hear something new coming from him. The album is going to be on my wishlist, not because it is too expensive, $12, I'm just too broke to buy it. Featured on this album is "You're My Princess", which was written in a Ambien drug haze (Marc doesn't remember composing it). This album is filled with catchy tunes, a little profanity, but after a while, you don't notice it anyway (the profanity, I mean).

Nevertheless, it's a great album, simply because it's different. It tells the story of a man named Brian who is frustrated with his life. Quoted from the site at which it is found:

"Meet Brian, a chauvinistic twentysomething fry cook/frustrated musician living in a small Wisconsin town. When he loses his effervescent yet obsessive law-student girlfriend, Jenny Oliver, to his wanton arrogance, he dives headlong into numerous obsessions, despite her insistent pleas and her advice on how to become slightly more prepossessing. These fascinations include constant flossing, attacking people through anonymous message boards and long-winded missives to his lost love. At Brian's lowest moment, he is visited by a vision of The Great Squiddy, which leads him to the solution he's been searching for. That solution? How to fix his rather messy and unnecessarily dramatic local music scene so that it can begin a cult to worship The Great One and sing the praises of Squiddy... together."

I love the album not just because I am a huge fan of Marc with a C, but because it's something completely different from other stuff that I've heard and I applaud him for being that outgoing, and well, for being himself. Check it out, and go online and listen to his radio show on the real congregation and catch up on all the Marc with a C glory and awesomeness that you missed while you were out of the loop. 

Visit for more information. 




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